The Silent Cry’s

The Silent Cry’s  

Can you hear me?

Can you hear the words I say?

Can you even it when I cry out into the night? 

No one hears my cry’s in the night 

No one can hear my silent cries 

Where is the one who will hear my silent cries? 

Night after night I yearn for the one who will hear my silent cries 

The tears flow down my face 

Oh where is the one who can take me away from all this gloom 

Where is the one who will wipe the tears away from my stained face?  

Can anyone hear me? 

Can anyone hear the words I say?

Can anyone even hear me when I cry out into the night?

At last the one has come who can hear my silent cries 

The one has come who will wipe the tears away from my stand face

No longer are my cry’s those of sorrow 

My cry’s now are those of joy